Stephen Husmann

Video Producer

Thank you for taking a look at some of my  work. I've worked extensively in every phase of the video production process over the last 9 years, for a wide variety of clients. These videos are a snapshot of some of that work, but feel free to ask me about the music videos or travelogues I've filmed, or the kids tv show I wrote and produced!

HHS Team of the Year - 2020

producer, Interviewer, editor

HHS is a company that provides hospitality services, with over 17,000 employees across the nation. Our largest division provides housekeeping services for hospitals, and 2020 proved how essential these employees are to providing healthcare. When it came time to choose a "Team of the Year" for 2020, it was clear that all of our frontline employees deserved this honor for their heroic response to COVID-19.

With the help of my co-producer, I identified 20 individuals across the organization who best embodied our company's values in response to the pandemic. It was an honor to be able to share their stories and I was inspired by their dedication. While we had many logistical hurdles and a compressed timeline, our hard work paid off and I'm proud of the result!

Wok My Way - Dining Concept

Video for Sales proposal- HHS

Our sales team had been working for months to secure a culinary services contract with Yavapi college in Nevada. With about week to go before the proposal was due, the team decided to fly out to Nevada and hire a local crew to film a taste test on campus.

Once I received the footage, my task was to turn around this video within 48 hours, and the only guidance was "this has to be really good"! I was pleasantly suprised when this video worked it's way through the entire team and nobody wanted me to change a thing!

How Austin Became Segregated

Documentary Short - for the city network
Director, Co-Writer, co-researcher, Cinematographer, editor, Animator

This documentary highlights how several civic policies in the distant and recent past have led to a city that is largely divided along racial lines.

This project began as an article my coworker wrote, and I adapted it into a documentary by finding more stories to illustrate. While the original worked well as an article, I believe my rewrite helped history come alive for the viewer.

Financial Stewardship

Animated Training Video - HHS
Animator, editor, Audio engineer

For this training video, I combined animation and footage to illustrate the importance of financial stewardship.

Since I edited this in the midst of the pandemic, I couldn't film any new material in a hospital, so I dug through years of archival footage to find clips to demonstrate each concept.

2021 Stephen Husmann